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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6AM  CBS  December 25, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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guys right over here. take a look. we have hundreds of turkeys and hams and now all we need is the volunteers to slice and dice them. more than # thousand meals will be -- 5,000 meals will be served the bay area homeless and needy. actually something they do every day of the year. the breakfast will kick off in an hour and then lunch served at 9:00 up until 2:00. the holidays draw the biggest crowd of volunteers today there's expected as avenged earlier today -- as i mentioned earlier today 650 for the event. some of them have been coming back for years and gliders leaders built more than just a community but a family with the people who help out and serve. >> we had a great community of folks that you know, work together to put on the events but also that you know, partner with each other throughout the year to make it through life. >> reporter: even though the holidays are a great time to volunteer glide says it's more important for the organization to get support all year-round. they could use the help in terms of time and donations and money. the day after christmas as well. now back out live you can see
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look, they're filing in right now getting ready to tackle the hams and turkeys. and cut them all up to serve the thousands of meals for the homeless today. in addition to that we understand that football players from asu will also be here around 11:00 they're in town for the kraft hunger bowl. they'll be more special guests along the way. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugurian, cbs 5. and when do they start serving pretty quickly or -- what? >> reporter: yeah, actually the breakfast will start in just about an hour about 7:00. and then about two hours after that that's when the big lunch or dinner will get underway and then we'll see the lines, we'll see all the people out here again 650 volunteers are showing up and organizers tell me this is something that fills up every year within hours of them posting it online. >> thanks. right now the salvation army volunteers are also busy preparing thousands of meals as well. >> yeah those meals will be delivered to seniors and people with illnesses that are home bound. volunteers started early this morning. this is at the central kitchen
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on harrison street in san francisco. they're preparing more than 4,000 meals and it a traditional christmas meal. complete with ham, yams, vegetables, hot chocolate, cookies and volunteers don't stop after cooking. they deliver the food, they walk it to people some spend some time with those who are alone today. >> people giving up their time here and volunteering and those who deliver the meals throughout the city. but it's also the knock on the door. >> volunteers will spend most of this christmas day delivering those meals. and san francisco firefighters are spending christmas day giving toys to kids all across the city. ♪ some of the kids had a little sing along yesterday. 7600 toys were denated yesterday to firefighters at the annual toy drive at lefty o'doul's bar here? san francisco. the union says demand for toys up 15% this year. and today families that applied
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to receive some toys are picking them up at the program's headquarters. a lot of people donating yesterday. >> that's awesome and all got the holiday ties on. you too. >> i do. >> your christmas gift. >> yeah. fresh out of the -- >> he has the peanuts tie on. >> yes i do. >> all decked out and your socks. >> and my socks, we can't show the socks. >> head to toe. >> show the socks come on. >> i will bring something out -- too high. hey folks around the bay area today we have a lot of clouds in the cbs 5 hi-def doppler radar tracking a couple of rain drops so you can see there mainly in the north bay right now. and really be some scout showers out ahead of the main cold front. the cold front that pulled through today going to pack a wallop. expect stormy weather on this christmas day especially the mid of the day and the afternoon. the temperatures right now chilly in spots. 39 degrees livermore and it is 41 santa rosa and 43 degrees san jose. as we head to the afternoon it will be a stormy day. enjoy the family indoors and
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highs only in the low to maybe mid 50s then more showers on the way maybe even some thunderstorms. we'll talk about that and the rest of the forecast coming up. guys back to you. we continue to follow some developing news out in oakland. they're working to reopen one lane of northbound 88 # approaching fruitvale but in the meantime, all lanes have been blocked for at least a half hour. they've been detouring cars off to the high street exit. so there are some slight delays in the area. fortunately traffic a extra light of course because it is christmas morning. so you can see our sensors are not picking up a whole lot of slowing but again just a heads- up for a while all lanes have been temporarily shut down because of an overturned injury crash approaching fruitvale avenue. also in oakland eastbound lanes of 580 approaching mcarthur we have an accident there blocking few lanes. your bridges, golden gate bridge superlight traffic both directions northbound and southbound. 101 between san francisco and marin county the silicon valley ride westbound 237 looks good. no delay at the guadalupe
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parkway or 101 and once again the east bay drive times still mostly in the clear. liz, thanks. a town in upstate new york is remembering two firefighters who were shot and killed while responding to a house fire yesterday. police in webster say william spengler set the fire to his home yesterday then ambushed the firefighters before taking his own life. spengler was convicted of murdering his grandmother with a hammer back in 1980 but served just 18 years in jail. the firefighters are identified as tomasz kaczowka who was filling in so others could enjoy the holiday and michael chiapperini who was named firefighter of the year just recently. >> oh i'm sorry i just -- it's just -- it is christmas. i mean who targets people on christmas? >> well, there's also concern about spengler's sister who lived in that home. and is still unaccounted for. charles turning known in hollywood as the king of
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contact actors died. the two time oscar nominee portrayed everyone from the blustery public officials to big daddy in a broadway revival of cat on a hot tin roof. he died of natural causes at his new york city home yesterday and he was 89 years old. and some knew him as one- half of the odd couple. to others he was quincy and e.. actor jack klugman died yesterday in california. he drove felix you thinker crazy for five seasons in the early '70s tv show "the odd couple." he was 90er use old and passed away at his home. some of them don't even know it yet but dozens of former california prison inmates got pardons on this holiday. governor brown issued the pardons to 789 convicted fell -- 79 convicted felons who have done their time and been crime free now for at least decade. most were convicted of drug offenses and that includes ken
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benedict who got involved with a bad crowd 20 years ago. >> christmas eve, you know to find this out. what a gift. you know to finally have some closure to you know a long story that you know i did something dumb when i was younger. >> well, he was in prison ben digit joined an -- benedict joined an inmate fire crew. he actually saved a boy's life in a malibu fire in 1992. he was now a school vol fear and is engaged to be married and has his life back on track. time now 6:08. still ahead, santa goes "gangnam style." >> of course he did in a snafu strands passengers on the day before christmas. how president obama put a stop to thousands trying to travel. coming your way. >> the next time you trim a tree it may not be a real one. what's leaving christmas tree farmers struggling to provide. we'll have that story coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ it's a holiday without this song right? >> yeah. >> it's a song though you don't want stuck in your head especially over the holidays but here we go. hundreds of santas showed up in shanghai for a "gangnam style" christmas. they showed off the horse riding skills from the viral dance. the korean rapper of course psy has one billion views for that song on youtube and made a lot of money too and yesterday cnn ranked him the eighth most intriguing figure in the world. you have to hand it to a guy with one song and he's make, millions. >> it's kind of like the mac rina. but i wonder how long the song is going to stay hot? >> the play-by-play for the giants to do it during the
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giants' parade. >> lawrence does it during the commercial breaks. >> but not well. all right in other news, one of the president's last acts before leaving washington it caught some holiday travelers off-guard. cbs 5 reporter grace lee shows us how an unexpected federal holiday scuttled some christmas vacations. >> i'm really upset because i don't know we could have done -- at this point i don't know what we can do now. just wait. we've been here since 7:30 in the morning. the appointment was at 9:00. >> reporter: stranded on christmas've the same story for -- eve, the same story for dozens who were supposed to renew or pick up passports today. some had confirmation numbers and appointments scheduled for today including aiden key. he's separated from his family. to see his wife and 2-year-old tomorrow. >> it's extremely frustrating and disappointing that i can't see them either for my wife's birthday or any daughter for christmas. >> reporter: the passport agent we citizen supposed to be -- agency was supposed to be open
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today but in a last-minute decision on friday the president declared christmas eve a federal holiday. federal workers complained that he should show some holiday cheer since they had not had a salary increase since 2009. do you actually expect someone to come out here now? >> no, at this point it's a little bit of a protest. i respect the president wants to give people a vacation. >> reporter: for jeffrey chase it's not just an inconvenience. he was shopping to see his mother-in-law in -- hoping to see his mother-in-law in germany before her open heart surgery. >> giving up is even worse than that. >> reporter: most did give up. but for a handsful of people who had a life or death situation they were able to get a new passport. >> you can see it there it is. >> reporter: there are three passport agencies in california and are understanding is that only in san francisco did few people get their passports today. and the reason for that is that the duty officer chose to come in on christmas eve he drove in
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from napa to san francisco. and he says he did it to help a few people out. in the newsroom, grace lee, cbs 5. and there are three passport agencies in california and only here in san francisco there was good news for travelers yesterday. grace tells us that that's because the duty officer came in on his day off to process all the requests. well, air travel hits a snag in arizona late last night when a plane actually caught fire. the tail of this u.s. airways jet went up in flames after the small engine underneath got started. the plane was scheduled to fly to vancouver and was parked at the gatat the time of the fire, no passengers were on board but they were delayed and had to get on another plane. and we want to give you a quick traffic note. all lanes of northbound 880 are shut down at fruitvale. an overturned accident early this morning and fortunately volume is so light because it is christmas morning. but any cars on the road you have to detour off at high
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street at that exit. chp has a new estimated time of 20 minutes before they can reopen the freeway. a little after 6:30 for that one. in the meantime all lanes again shut down northbound on the nimitz in oakland approaching fruitvale. how about some weather now huh? on this holiday? >> merry christmas to you guys too. you know we have a pretty good storm coming our way today. >> two. they're just in time for santa to get through the dry spots. >> like a nice lump of coal. it is headed for the bay area today. gusty winds a possibility and some brief heavy rainfall outside. our cbs 5 hi-def doppler radar showing you some showers beginning to show up in the knot bay. these -- north bay. the main cold front really not expected to move in until about the middle of if day. then it's going to slide in across the bay area and bring with it some gusty winds and heavy rain and maybe even a few thunderstorms. so it's going to be a good day to stay indoors and enjoy the family and all the new toys as we're expecting mostly cloudy skies headed out the door. chilly temperatures in the 30s and 40s now and then it looks like the weather is going to
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stay unsettled after the front moves on through. still scattered showers continuing but you got the little low off the coastline that's tarting to drive in toward the bay area and again this doesn't look to be as strong although maybe 2 inches of rain across the higher peaks here. traveling arched the state going to be touch and if especially this afternoon. -- especially this afternoon. thunderstorms possible into the sacramento valley and winter storm warnings in the high country another couple of feet of snow above 6500 feet. timing out the storm for you. a few showers is early on and then the main cold front moves into the afternoon and even into 4:00, 5:00 some showers a possibility and some brief downpours in toward the san jose area. the front moves on by. more scattered showers into tomorrow off and on and that cold air in place as well. so maybe even a little hail too. temperatures running low side only in the low to about the mid 50s around the bay area. and the next couple of days we will keep some showers not forecast at least through -- in the forecast at least through wednesday. into friday another storm is going to skirt the coastline bringing another chance of
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showers into saturday too. then we finally dry out on sunday into monday. that's the latest guys back to you. thank you lawrence. >> okay if you got a real christmas tree at home, you better cherish because it i guess in a couple of years might be really tough to get one. >> as they show us midwest christmas tree farmers are facing a severe drought. ♪ >> reporter: business was brisk at kris kringle's christmas tree form in cedar fails, iowa a few weeks back. ♪ santa was on hand. >> merry christmas kids. >> reporter: but the farm was closing early this year because of the drought. >> when i pulled up i go oh there are only open -- this is the last weekend. >> i think it's sad. because maybe in a couple of years we won't be able to get a real christmas tree. >> reporter: this is what she's talking about. some 15,000 christmas tree kill by the drought. >> this is a total loss. >> the 100% loss. >> reporter: closing early was not a decision that came easily
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to danny mold a second generation christmas tree farmer. >> if we don't sell 150 trees you know for next weekend we can save the 150 for the following season. >> reporter: danny was hit harder than most. he estimates he's lost at least $300,000 worth of trees. >> this tree is a seedling we planted this spring. this will be a 2-year-old and this will be a 4-year-old. >> reporter: the punishing drought that baked the midwest last summer hit iowa christmas tree farmers especially hard. most operations in the state are small cut and choose farms. that's where customers cut down their own trees. about 20% of all sales nationally are made at farms like this. the iowa christmas free growers -- tree growers' association polled its members. >> is that your christmas? wow. >> reporter: danny mold's father bob is president of the association. >> and already in some ace cases like danny's farm and some of the others they have lost two and three years worth
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of trees and they can't make that up. that may be just enough to convince some of these farmers to give it up. >> reporter: probably not danny. when he bought his own farm six years ago, his father didn't want him to grow christmas trees. >> did you want your son to go into this business? >> no. no way in shape or form did my dad want me to take this farm. >> i just told him forget about the trees and get on with this things you really want to do. >> i had all the trees, what else am i going to do? >> reporter: danny's own operation is a family affair. that's his father-in-law at the front gate. his cousins get the trees ready to go. his wife? runs the cash register. >> and then we need dessert. >> reporter: while his mother- in-law feeds everybody. it's a family tradition danny can't imagine giving up. are you ever going to quit this? >> probably never. i mean how can i? i will probably always plant christmas
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trees. >> why? >> it's been my whole life. >> reporter: cedar falls, iowa. >> i have a hard time cutting one down because there are so many that are already cut and they throw so many away. >> he's got the fake one never thought i would. when the tree a up for two months you appreciate it. >> my tree is looking a little -- little dry. >> they smell good. up next your play of the day coming up. >> yeah one football fan gets an early christmas gift right from the hands of one of his favorite players. we've got the moment coming your way. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, well, well.
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growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months.
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storm clouds rolling back into the bay area on this christmas. it's going to be a fierce afternoon. we will talk about that coming up. and we have much better news now for the nimitz freeway. just talked to chp all lanes back ohm. northbound 880 approaching
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fruitvale avenue. that traffic alert canceled and things are looking good now both directions. play of the day comes courtesy of the hawaii bowl from yesterday. fresno state's adams a palo alto high alum by the way. mighty impressive catch but the bulldogs lost to smu 43-10 despite the great catch. but they have a free trip to hawaii. how is this for a christmas surprise? arizona cardsal linebacker sam acho gave a young fan a gift before the team faced off against the chicago bears on sunday. >> well, sam acho look at this great christmas scene. acho gives his glove to a fan and talk about an early -- >> you think this guy is a little fired up? look what i got mom. he goes up there and shows off the gloves pretty quickly and i don't think he's going to get a better gift on this christmas day. he's pretty fired up. >> i know. i can't believe it. >> he can't believe it. just so excited. >> he's going to run down and give them back. >> huge. it is 6:25.
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coming up volunteers are very busy baking this morning making breakfast. >> yes they are. plus a river rescue caught on tape. what it took to finally get this man out of the water. >> and while washington celebrates the fiscal cliff looms closer. and so does the dairy cliff? why we could soon see $7 a gallon prices for milk. ,,,,,,,, [ laughter ]
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smoke? nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology that acts fast and helps control cravings all day long. ♪ quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq.
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and good morning everyone, of course it is christmas. december 25th. merry christmas everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. >> that's right and i'm elizabeth wenger, michelle has the morning off. >> and we begin somewhere some breaking news in the south bay.
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firefighters are at the scene of a three alarm fire in campbell. this is at the engineering building intersection of bell and division. no word on what may have started the fire. we will have the very latest information as soon as we get it but some live pictures there you can see a number of firefighters on the scene. and as we mentioned more coming up a little bit later. okay. and we're going to i think start off with some traffic information of course we want toilet you know that the nimitz freeway has reopened northbound 880 right there approaching fruitvale avenue. they just reopened it a little bit before 6:30. so better news now for the nimitz freeway if you are traveling. visiting friends or program and frying to use the -- family and trying to use the nimitz. all lanes open the traffic alert is now officially canceled. still here, delays eastbound 08 # approach -- 580 approaching mcarthur boulevard. and your bridges so far moving
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fine this morning. if you're crossing the golden gate bridge bay bridge also in delay of course no metering lights because -- >> it's christmas. >> right. and we've got a little president of rain in the forecast -- bit of rain in the forecast believe it or not. no snow but some rain right lawrence? >> merry christmas guys. we are going to see the storm really pound the bay area little bit later on today. just beginning to see a few scattered showers showing up on if hi-def doppler radar. you can see some heavier rainfall just off the coastline but that's not the actual cold front. that will come in later on today. so yeah be prepared we are going to see a stormy day especially toward the middle of the day and the afternoon. a lot of clouds out there right now. temperatures running in the 30s and the 40s this afternoon. it will be a cool store my day. the highs only in the low to mid-50s and more showers on the way for tomorrow as well. when will we catch a break in the storeny weather? that's coming up guys in few minutes. back to you. lawrence thanks. some uncertainty in east palo alto this christmas day with crews scrambling to prepare a levee ahead of the next storm.
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sunday's rain caused the san francisquito creek to spill across the levee. some people actually had to be evacuated briefly. neighbors are concerned now about the rainy season ahead even though damage was minimal this time around. >> it was like up this high and we were afraid that it was going to go in there but when we got back there was no water damage to the house. >> crews now are putting in a lot of overtime over the holiday sandbagging making emergency repairs as more rain of course is expected a little bit later this afternoon. the mayor there says the city is already working on a long- term solution. trey they're trying to fix it. now an incredible rescue from a rushing los angeles river. cbs reporter louisa hodge has the story of one man hanging on for dear life and the rescuers who risked their lives to save
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him. >> reporter: tension moments in -- tense moments in a rising l.a. river. water gushed down fast forceful and cold. >> we have snags out there. >> reporter: firefighters acted fast. >> what's what we all the eddy just trying to pull the boat back and get to the eddy and then try to get the rope over the tree or the branch. >> reporter: rescue crews lined this river and this team maneuvered a raft attached to a fire truck downstream. but it created charges. >> they, worked their hearts out. even tried to snag a branch with one of the ropes. >> reporter: this stranded man standing waist deep in water managed to tie a weight around the tree and helped to pull the rescue team towards him. >> the type of weather you know a patient like this is going to be really hypothermic. not a lot of strength and energy and for him to be able to tie the rope around the branch is good. >> reporter: as soon as he was pulled to the safety of the
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raft, he collapsed. >> he had no energy left or he just laid down on the bottom of the boat. >> reporter: firefighters believe this man was homeless and living in an encampment in the brush which is normally dry. he was trapped firefighters say for hours. and with water temperatures so cold, they say it's a christmas miracle he made it out alive. >> he's pretty beat up and he looked hypothermic. probably going to be in the hospital for a couple of days getting hot chocolate. no sign of a drunk driving suspect who jumped off a bridge in marin county. investigators say 24-year-old anthony donaldson of san rafael ran down from a dui check point in ross yesterday morning. he was later seen in the creek there near the college of marin. police tried to coax him out of the creek but he swam away and out of sight and they haven't found him since. street racing may be to blame for a crash that critically injured a man in vallejo. he was hit by a crash yesterday afternoon. police say the driver then took
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off. witnesses told officers two cars were racing at the time. and investigators are now looking for a black 1990s honda sieving that has some front end damage. and two people are displaced after a cooking fire got out of hand in a menlo park apartment. check it out. the fire on role afghan just before 7:00 yesterday evening and investigators say the grease fire quickly spread to the ceiling. the apartment and a neighboring unit were damaged and nobody injured though. total damage is estimated at about $50,000. the spirit of christmas is alive and well here in san francisco this morning. >> it's that annual tradition volunteers are up early to help the less fortunate. and cbs 5 reporter cate caugurian is at glide memorial church where thousands will be fed later today. the good morning and merry christmas cate. >> reporter: good morning and merry christmas to you frank ask elizabeth. take a look yes the volunteers are here. and the preparations are well underway. get a look at that turkey slicing right there, looks
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really good. the volunteers have a lot of work ahead of them. take a look. they also have to get in all these as well. now glide's long-standing tradition of feeding the local homeless and needy will continue today. organizers say this event wraps up the big holiday season and also where they can really connect with the people they serve all year-round. more than 650 volunteers will show up or are expected to show up today to work on 5,000 meals. and organizers say this event is truly fueled by the community. >> we have other people that just come every year and they do the thanksgiving and dinner. they might just carve the ham or serve you know coffee downstairs and it's like a tradition. in many people's families or in their lives to come here and serve the homeless on the holidays. >> reporter: we also have over special guests coming on later today later at 11:00 asu football players will lend helping hand. the team is in town for the kraft hunger bowl.
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a half hour at 7:00 this morning for breakfast and lunch will start at 9:00 until 2:00. now glide's meals for the home lease is not something they just do a big push for for the holiday season. they crowd use the volunteers all year-round especially after the holidays when they see that decline. if you have the time the donations money stop on by here at glide. live in san francisco, cate caugurian, cbs 5. >> i bet it smells food huh? >> reporter: my stomach is talking right now. >> that turkey, cate caugurian live for us. the salvation army also brings christmas to those who are home bound and say loan. >> and this year of course no exception. we have a nice live view right there as the salvation army central kitchen on harrison street in san francisco is hard at work. all the volunteers are busy preparing more than 4,000 meals. it's a traditional christmas meal too complete with hams,
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yams, vegetables little bit of hot chocolate and cookies for dessert but volunteers don't just stop after cooking. they actually deliver the food on foot and spend some time with those who may be alone over the holidays, really really nice of them. >> it really is amazing, instead of being with their families they're out helping others and it's great to see. >> the food is a bonus but i tell you with company on the holidays it's better. still ahead he wants to be a rock star. >> he did. ♪ instead he's found his calling creating a one of a kind song for thousands of little kids. we'll explain. >> i'm jennifer lewis hall. what's one of the most popular gift this is yore under the christmas tree? -- year under the -- gifts of the year under the christmas tree? i'll have that story coming up in your tech report. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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and we got a blastoff here. except this rocket doesn't really go far instead, it hovers. so what's the point you ask? the space x grasshopper rocket actually does more than hover in place. i can do everything a typical rocket does and hovering comes in hon day to move the -- handy to move the rocket during space flight without breaking it up. it can be e-filed and reused -- refueled and reused. no trading on wall street today but still plenty to talk about in the money world. >> that's right and jennifer lewis hall has the money watch report today. >> reporter: the markets are closed for the christmas holiday. the deadline is closing in for a deal to ray void the fiscal cliff. avoid the fiscal cliff, billions in tax hikes and spending cuts will kick in.
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that uncertainty sparked another day of selling on wall street christmas eve. the dow dropped almost 52 points. one of the most popular gifts under the christmas tree? gift cards. the national retail federation survey found 81% of shoppers bought gift cards this year spending an average of $150 each. despite an increase in gift cards sales retailers anticipate holiday sales will be disappointing. while spending is expected to be up over last year, it is expected to be less than businesses were hoping for. smart phones are a popular gift this year. next year smart cameras could be a big hit. they are already a couple on the market. nikon's new camera has wi-fi gps and many of the apps you'll find on an android smart phone. samsung's galaxy cam can also go an line allowing you to take pictures and immediately share them on social media. other companies are working on
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similar devices for next year. that's your money watch. for more business headlines go to in new york, i'm jennifer lewis hall. wall street may be closed forth holiday but there's trading in other parts of the world today. the nikkei stock average recovered about the -- bush of the key watt, above the key water -- above the key rather. on the weakening yen exchange rate. many abilityists think this -- analysts think this trend will continue and also get a boost from extra public works spending by the new administration there. there's only a week left to avoid that tax hikes and the spending cuts that will impact most of americans the old fiscal cliff. this morning its appears democratic senate leader harry reid may take the lead in crafting a compromise to prevent tax hikes on at least the middle class which was the president's parting plea before going to hawaii. both reid and the president were in hawaii this weekend for the funeral of senator daniel inouye. as the leaders try to come
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to some sort of agreement on capitol hill. local leaders are preparing the lose billions in dollarss. cbs 5 political insider phil matier now reports. >> reporter: the smiling san francisco mayor ed lee was one of the first officials show toe up at the an -- to show up at the annual lefty o'doul's toy drive. but they aren't going to get christmas cheer out of washington this year. not with the pending fiscal cliff and the threat of the $7.5 billion cut in nonentitled services. >> that fiscal cliff will hurt the city to the tune of almost $100 million right away. >> reporter: most of the cuts could be in health care, welfare programs for the poor, aids programs and housing. >> that's just an immediate hit. >> reporter: across the bay, alameda county supervisor predicted -- >> this is going to shred the safety net even more. the health clinics that serve the uninsured and under insured
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will get cut. our wic programs for mothers and we have severals sites that would also have a large cut. >> reporter: education would also take a hit. >> this would undo a lot of the good particularly special needs students would have the programs cut perhaps as much as 10% and the meals programs that so many of the students in california are growing up in poverty. a quarter of the students growing up in poverty and they need that meal. >> reporter: not just the immediate cuts, it's also the ongoing uncertainty that comes from the stalemate in washington. a stalemate that bay area officials fear could affect the economy just when it's starting to recover. >> we are looking forward to a better economy. and this would just ruin all the progress that's been made over the last year, year and a half. >> just say no that you can't get together. that's the -- probably the
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worst decisions in the future. >> reporter: phil matier, cbs 5 early edition. it is not just the fiscal cliff that we're closing in on. a darely cliff? this is a new one. beginning next year you could be paying as much as $7 for a gallon of milk if congress doesn't step in. with all the concerns over the fiscal cliff, several other legislative matters are falling by the wayside. including a stalled farm bill that includes the dairy subsidy. it is set to end january 1st sending us all the way back to the 1950s policy requiring the government to buy milk at inflated prices. therefore driving up the cost for everyone. i'm glad it's christmas. guess who's cozy by the fireplace here? our very own michelle griego sharing this photo from christmas eve. she doesn't know i'm sharing it with you -- >> i know. i know. >> she's at home with her family as you can see. they got the socks on. they're sitting on the couch. they're enjoying the fireplace. and the little socks to the far right is her 4-year-old daughter, my guess is giana is up and under the tree right now looking for goodies. >> that's so cute.
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i love that picture i think that's the future christmas card. >> i hope they hung all the stockings by the chimney with care because those were -- ooh. >> stuff your sox up there too. >> those are pretty stylish. >> hey folks arm bay area today it looks like it's going to be a stormy christmas day headed out. a lot of clouds out there right now. our cbs cbs 5 hi-def doppler radar is picking up on the rain in the north bay. this really not the main cold front. just sot scout showers out ahead of the main cold front. if you're headed anywhere around the bay area be prepared you got a stormy middle of the day and toward the afternoon. that rain will be on the increase even the possibility of lightning and it looks like some rain and wind continuing throughout the afternoon hours and some unsettled weather ahead. even tomorrow more showers but the storm going to pack a punch that's moving into the bay area right now. we're going to watch the winds picking up through the middle of the day and then by the afternoon it looks like thumped pretty good.
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around the state more thunderstorms into the central valley the sierra nevada watch out there. winter storm warnings on the west slopes. across the high country another couple of feet of snow. by the middle of the day it moves on through and by 5:00 or coontie the south bay heavy -- so around the south bay some heavier amounts of rainfallment right into wednesday as well i think we'll keep the temperatures cool too. highs only in the low to mid- 50s and the showers continuing into wednesday. thursday we catch a break. more rain though as we head toward the weekend. guys back to you. okay, we just want to show you is quick live look at the bay bridge doing any traveling today. this is what it looks like right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. obviously superlight on this christmas morning no delay no metering lights heading into san francisco. and out in oakland we still have this one accident out there obviously the chp reports pretty quiet but eastbound 580 approaching mcarthur boulevard there's an accident there blocking one lane. it is 6:49 on this
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christmas morning. now musician who dreamed of being a star says he now has something much better. >> that's right. photojournalist introduces us to the man who makes personalized songs for children who are battling terminal illnesses. ♪ >> i really had this dome of becoming this -- dream of becoming this big pop star. ♪ i finally landed a record deal and it didn't work out. they actually dropped me out of the picture. i was really distraught. we rocking and rolling. okay. ♪ she fights like a girl and she lights up my world, alexandria ♪ >> hi my name is alexandria, nice to meet you. ♪ she fights like a girl, alexandria ♪ >> the song because it's special.
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>> alexandria has acute limb foe ballistic leukemia t cell. >> what's in there? >> chemo. >> she practices on this chemo duck they gave her in the hospital. >> now she has her own -- >> they have created close to 24,000 songs but we've produced personalized songs for children and teens who are chronically or terminally ill free of charge. >> i love this! >> she likes pickles and i'm thinking ♪ she'll eat pickles" ♪ >> her favorite color and favorite music. >> special interests, hobbies. it says here she's strong willed and brave. so i'm going to add that to the chorus ♪ her name a strong >> she fites like girl. >> is that your motto? do you fight like a girl every day? ? yeah. >> that's why we're doing the song for her to bring her good vibes, boost her self-esteem. and it gives me a great honor and privilege to be doing this.
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♪ >> we received the song and we were so happy. everybody loves it. ♪ >> the fact that you may not necessarily get a hit song, it doesn't mean that you're a failure. i write a song for a sick child and you bring happiness, to me that's the biggest success of all. >> who's one of your favorite songers? >> justin bieber. ♪ >> and john now right? because he writes great songs right? ♪ now she has her own song >> one of the best stories i've ever heard. that's such a creative idea. >> lifts their first times and gives them something to kind -- spirits and gives them something to kind of connect to ask hold on to. coming up we have the last look at the holiday forecast. >> plus this not so awesome. the special christmas message from all of us here at cbs 5. you don't want to miss the very
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special version of "the christmas song." set your dvrs, we'll be right back. [ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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we continue to toll low some breaking news -- follow some breaking news on that structure fire in campbell this morning. crews are in the mop up mode at the intersection of dell and division. about 60 firefighters big fire were called to the scene before 5:00 this morning. a firefighter told us the fire started at the back of the building. you can see and they're just cleaning up right now. no word of the cause of the fire but it kept firefighters very busy is this morning in the south bay. one final check of our weather and our traffic. >> ooh. and the fireplace. >> the fireplace, yeah we got
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that going. >> that feels nice and oh i'm so glad we have that here today. so nice and warm. folks around pay area today. we have a -- the by area today. we have a storm brewing. in the north bay not even the main cold front. that moving in toward the middle of the day and expect this store stormy afternoon. highs only in the low to mid- 50s and over the next couple of days showers continuing into tomorrow. then a break on thursday. more storms as we look toward friday and possibly saturday. and just a quick note if you're hitting the roads and all this morning eastbound 580 right now mcarthur boulevard still have the one accident there blocking lanes but for the most part it is christmas light. the san mateo bridge. both directions flowing nicely of the bridge. and towards the dublin interchange that westbound 580 drive looking good as well. no big accidents out there right now and obviously not much of a commute at all. >> a little shoutout to d. j. >> that's right. >> the producer d. j. for coming in on christmas morning and christmas eve to help us
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with all the traffic maps. we've got our yule log burning and our cbs 5 yule log burning behind us. the coffee brewing and presents under the tree. >> and now something from kids to one to 92. a christmas medley from the cbs 5 family. here we go. [ music ] chestnuts roasting on an open fire jack frost nipping at your nose yuletide carols being sung by a choir and folks dressed up like eskimos everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright tiny tots with their eyes all a-glow will find it hard to sleep tonight they know that santa's on his way he's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh and every mother's child is gonna spy to see if reindeer really know how to fly and so i'm offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety two
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although it's been said many times many ways merry christmas to you [ end of music ] >> now i had to luck a lot of -- talk a lot of people into doing that but now they're signing contracts. >> a yearly swimming competition. more than 100 people donned their swimsuits in china. they're warming up and they cooled down fast jumping into the icy cold water. among the swimmers an 83-year- old man that does it every year. you guys want to -- >> that looks like so much fun. >> not so much. >> i've had a request. they want to see my tie. see that? >> very cute. the one yesterday though it lit up and it had a little reindeer on there. rudolph. >> his wife brings them for you every year the annual gift?
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>> thank you very much. >> hey folks everyone have a very merry christmas and enjoy the holiday today. thank you for joining us. >> that's right. your next local update coming in at 7:25. "cbs this morning" next. have a great day. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is christmas day, tuesday, december good morning. it's christmas day, december 25, 2012. welcome to a special edition of "cbs this morning." >> as we celebrate the holiday, we'll look back at some of the most memorable conversations of the year inclulding caroline kennedy, dale earnhardt, jr. and david letterman. >> we'll revisit everything from great white sharks to mr. potato head. >> but we begin with look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds.


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